Wednesday, September 18, 2024


A blog reader told me that I was mocking God and His sacred writings of the Bible. I told her, “I don’t believe I am mocking them; I like to think I am enhancing their stories. I truly like the picture I depict of Mary, John, and Jesus better than the one presented to us in much of the New Testament. I also told her that we need to be more ‘real,’ or reality-based, in our presentations of the beautiful story of Jesus, His mom, and disciples. After all, they all came along, historically, hundreds of years after humans began to think reflectively and wonder about God and creation and what we think of religion and theology. 

None of the original writers were scientists, anthropologists, or historians. We can tell the story and remain faithful to Jesus and the tradition that evolved about Him and his teachings and example. The world would be better if more Christians lived like Jesus rather than preached about Him. I felt that we still needed Jesus’s teachings that we all have different gifts and special gifts, as well as the ones that make us capable of becoming the kind of loving persons I have been talking about. That is the most important gift. But we also have other abilities to make the world a better place.

I shared all this with John, Mary, and all the next time I joined them, but before they could respond, we were interrupted by the arrival of a horse-drawn carriage. It was mid-afternoon, and we were surprised to see Luke riding up with another fellow in the carriage. We were all meeting at Joshua and Ruth’s house that day. Luke climbed down from the conveyance, and so did his companion. Luke introduced him as Dr. Phillip Newsome and told us he preferred to be addressed as a ‘doctor.’  He immediately told us he was here as a surgeon and not a personal visitor. I had gotten used to people here in Nazareth being gifted tradesmen, professionals, and human beings. The Roman soldiers, of course, were an exception. Now, this fellow was another one.

Julie immediately hid behind her mother’s chair and peeked around to see Newsome staring at her. She had immediately shied away from him but did not sheik as she had at the Roman captain. After a few moments of looking at her, Newsome commented, “So this is my little patient, is it?” He said it as if he were looking at anything other than a beautiful little human. Ruth responded, “Yes.” Newsome looked at Luke and said, “And surely you don’t expect me to operate in this ugly little house, do you?”

Luke shook his head in dismay. Even he seemed surprised at Newsome’s rudeness. He looked at Joshua to see if he had made other arrangements. He sighed in relief when Joshua replied, “Our neighbor has kindly offered his front room for us to use. We did not know when Luke would return with his friend. I will let them know we must set it up today. I hope today is good for it. I’ll go  and check and beckon to you if all is well; then you may join me and tell me what you will need and how to arrange it.” Thankfully, Joshua did not allow himself to be affected by Newsome’s attitude. We saw him talking with the man and his wife, and he shook his head, ‘Yes. ‘ We all strolled into the house, and the living room was nearly as large as Joshua and Ruth's house. Newsome directed them how he wanted the room to be arranged.

Then, he started assigning roles to everyone. Luke was to be his chief assistant, Josuha would be the ‘gofer,’ and John was to see that Julie remained still during the procedure. He looked at me and said, “And who are you—the one dressed funny?” I responded that I was Mary’s friend from another country but would not be here tomorrow. Ruth said, “I will hold Julie’s head and comfort her.”

Newsome nearly exploded, “You will provide a bit of wine this evening for her to take so she will sleep well and again in the morning as an anesthetic and stay out of the way. I do not want any woman in this delicate operation's way.”

I was so glad to hear Ruth say firmly, “I will comfort her and be her primary anesthetic. I will comfort her, and if you do not like it, we will find another doctor with the skill and a HEART.” She looked at Joshua, and he nodded in approval. She looked at Luke, and Luke said, ”And I will take the horse and carriage back to Jerusalem without you.” He later confessed that he might go to prison if he did this, but at the moment, he didn’t care.

Newsome looked around at us and was met by a wall of firm supporters of Ruth. After a moment or three, he finally uttered, “Okay, but stay out of the way.” He turned to Joshua and asked Joshua where he would be sleeping. Joshua remained civil enough to cordially tell him he and Luke could stay in this house.

I definitely grew in my admiration of Ruth and wondered if a 21st-century woman would have stood up to an authoritarian doctor as she had. Before I could tell her this, I disappeared. So…

Now, honor and nurture your heart and help others to do the same. Don’t eat the menus, but do enjoy the banquet.

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