Saturday, October 7, 2023

The Sage by the Sea #1

I have recently completed writing my memoir, "Finding Flowers in a Little Pile of Sh*t," and started working on a short novel about St. Paul and the early disciples. However, I’ve decided to shelve that project and instead focus on writing this blog. Lucky You!

Having lived for 90 years, I have gained a lot of valuable experiences and wisdom. It took me all these years to realize that - like most - I have spent too much time and energy trying to find faults within myself and trying to fix them. Finally, it dawned on me that I was looking for answers and directions - “out there” - outside myself. Knowing schools as I do, I’m pretty sure you, whoever you are, or how old you are, have also.

Allow me to share some of my ideas in this blog. I now realize that my life has always been an adventurous journey. Like you, I’m on a journey, and only I can find the best way to get where I need to go – or even find the meaning or the ‘why’ for going on this adventure in the first place. Stop and be thankful that you can ask, “Why am I on this journey?” It is a challenge and a delight that other creatures – trees, flowers, fish, birds, dogs, and cats cannot ask about. We humans can.

My blog post tutor has suggested that I end each post with a thought-provoking idea. So, here's my first challenge for you: Pick a quiet time and spend 15 minutes reflecting on and jotting down ten things you’re grateful for - individuals, music, skills, or concepts. Carry the list with you, and when you get frustrated or discouraged, review the list for three consecutive days.

Kindly keep me in the loop about the results of your experiment. Your feedback in the comments section below would be greatly appreciated.

Nurture your heart, and don't eat the menu.


  1. I’m grateful for the opportunity to get to work with Dr. Don on this Blog! Patrick 🙏

    1. Don is my great uncle! Thank you Patrick for helping him with this! Great work!

  2. Uncle Don what great blog! I can’t wait to read more!

  3. When I asked you what is the meaning of your life, you told me that "To experience." I applaud this wise and humble answer. It is a great joy to get to know you! Lucy Ma

  4. I’ll have to get back to you on the list and results, but I am looking forward to reading more of this blog. I would love to hear about your list and what you are grateful for, as well as your many perspectives I am sure you have at this point in your life. I need to read your books!

  5. Thanks, Don for the neat blog and personal disasters and glorious conclusions. I remember you with a circular saw cutting boards perfectly without hardly measuring them. -- wonderful memories. God bless! Fr Jim


Sage by the Sea

The Sage by the Sea #1

I have recently completed writing my memoir, "Finding Flowers in a Little Pile of Sh*t," and started working on a short novel abou...