Wednesday, August 7, 2024


I was disappointed that our 21st-century pope, Francis I, still refuses to announce that the official Catholic teaching on homosexual behavior was not a sin as long as it was life-giving to both participants, just as sexual intercourse between consenting marriage partners or even non-married couples, is not sinful but can be life-giving. Of course, this would mean a celebration of gay marriages. When I met with them, I wanted to check this out with John and Luke. And it wasn’t long before I again joined them in my dreamland.

I was surprised to see Mary, John, Luke, and a new fellow leaning back into a wheeled cart being pushed into place by Joshua between John and Mary. John brought out the extra chairs. I assumed that our new cart-bound guest was Paul. Mary confirmed it, saying, “Well, Don, you now get to meet Ruth and Joshua’s house guest, Paul of Tarsus.”

Paul held his hand, smiled, and said, “Good to meet you, Don. I’ve heard a bit about you and am glad to see you. Ruth said you were a fine person like Joshua and Jesus’s two apostles. I think that is quite a compliment.”

I nodded and replied, “Yes, it is. I’m told that you have received wonderfully positive care from Ruth and Joshua and are now even feeling emotionally stronger than before your accident.” Paul smiled, and I added, “Is that true?”

“Definitely! It has been a life-changing experience for me. I suppose you’ve heard about my sorrowful past in which I was persecuting Jews who were following Jesus?” I nodded, and he nodded toward Mary and said, “I am so ashamed of my terrible actions. As a Pharisee, I believed I was doing the will of our Father, Yahweh, and now, having experienced the love of these people here, I am certain that closing my own heart and following a set of rules and actions just because people have been doing so for hundreds of years, is so very wrong. And everyone here has been so wonderfully forgiving; I am determined to become a better and more loving person and be one with them.” He looked up at the sky, folded his hands, and exhaled. We all clapped, and Paul smiled.

John picked up on Paul’s fine little speech and said, “Now, we need to help as many people as possible experience what we and you have experienced. Now, you, Paul, have had much time to think about all this. Do you have any ideas about how we can make that happen?”

“I’m glad you asked because I have given this much thought. It seems that we must continue to be like Jesus was before he was executed. I believe he was executed because the Jewish elders, the Pharisees like me, and Sadducees, as well as the Romans, thought Jesus’s teachings of love and non-violence would undermine their authority. We need to convince them that we in no way want to hurt or take over their positions but to help them be more just, kind, and helpful. Rather than force people to do things, show them what to do and help them do it. It will take much patience, acceptance, and compassion, but I think we can do it. Don, how have we, the Christians, done these few years – according to historians?” Paul sounded more like a teacher or official than a patient helper or like Luke and John.

“From what I can tell, many of the early Christians did quite well,” . . . and before I could say more, I left the dream, please . . .

Nurture your heart, reflect on your lovability, and then study the menus and enjoy the banquet of life.    AND PLEASE COMMENT

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear, what would you have told them about how our world is today? The good and the bad.
    I am so enjoying your interesting channeled messages from these willing souls.


Sage by the Sea

The Sage by the Sea #1

I have recently completed writing my memoir, "Finding Flowers in a Little Pile of Sh*t," and started working on a short novel abou...