Wednesday, August 14, 2024

HUMANS BEGAN TO THINK AROUND 200,000 YEARS AGO SO – Don Hanley’s blog #51

In the 21st century, we now think of Jesus, who lived 2,000 years ago, as ‘in ancient times.’ I believe that the enlightened people around that time – like Jesus, Confucius, Buddha, Plato, and others – yearn to see all humans realize that they are wise, loving, creative, free-thinking, and able to become enlightened. I guess the evolution of humans is a very slow process as it has taken 198,000 years, and we are more advanced technologically but still killing one another. I was thinking of this as I fell asleep.

My dream that night was of my journey to Nazareth, and I didn’t arrive in Mary’s flower garden; I was surprised to arrive in a smaller garden in front of the home of Ruth and Joshua. Mary, John, and Joshua were sitting in the garden, and I was told that Luke, Ruth, and Julie were in the little house with Paul. Paul still spent most of his time lying down. I wondered how Ruth and Joshua accommodated so many in such a small dwelling. As if reading my mind, Mary said, “When Paul first arrived, I told Ruth and Joshua that they could take care of their patient in my house, and I could stay in theirs. They would have none of that and have done quite well in their small home. They have been wonderful.”

Just then, three Roman soldiers rode their horses up to where we sat in front of the small dwelling. John and Joshua knew the lead horseman was the leader, as he had a regal-looking helmet and a commanding look. He dismounted, looked us over, singled me out, and said in Latin, “Who are you, and why are you dressed so oddly?”

“I am Don, and I am visiting Joshua and Ruth. And who are you?” I did my best to sound polite and relaxed. I wondered what language my translator angel would use. Thank goodness, he ignored me, looked at Mary, and said, “And who are you, old lady?”

“I am Mary, and I am visiting Joshua here,” Even though he turned his attention toward Joshua, she continued to tell the pompous character, “You and your fellow Romans killed my son, so I have no reason to be more than just polite to you. Why are you visiting our town?”

Mary sounded properly polite. Still, he ignored her reference to Jesus’s execution and responded, “I am searching for a Roman citizen named Paul of Tarsus and a Jewish physician named Luke. And I see two horses tied up behind this house. Could they belong to the two men I am seeking?”

Joshua responded, “Yes. They are here. Paul, only a few days ago, woke up from being in a coma for several weeks after being nearly killed in a landslide. My wife, Ruth, and I found him and his horse and brought him to our house. And Luke, only a few days ago, was also looking for him and is now looking after him as a physician. They are both in my house right now.”

The Roman leader handed the reins of his horse to one of the other soldiers and commanded Joshua to take him to see the two men. The instant he walked through the front door, we heard a loud shriek from Julie. The captain shouted, “Shut that brat up, or I’ll shut her up permanently!” He had his right hand on his sword. I think small children can recognize mean-spirited and heartless people quite easily.

I was sitting so I could see Ruth quickly pick up Julie and turn away from the arrogant bastard. Julie had never screamed when other visitors came to the house. The Roman marched through the small front room into the room where Paul was lying on his palette. We could not clearly hear the conversation, but we did hear the captain say, “Well, Paul, we will allow you to rest a bit longer, and now, Luke, you must come with us. Point your horse out to us, and we’ll prepare him for our journey to Jerusalem. Give these peasants the final word on how to care for Paul.” He ordered the two soldiers to prepare Luke’s horse.

Luke stood at the front door and told Ruth and Joshua, “I will return in a few days with my surgeon friend to come to Nazareth to help Julie.” He hugged Ruth and Joshua, chucked Julie under her chin, kissed her on the forehead, and mounted his horse. He didn’t look so happy, and for the first time, I was okay with disappearing. So, now . . .

Keep nurturing your heart, examining menus, and enjoying the banquets of life.

1 comment:

Sage by the Sea

The Sage by the Sea #1

I have recently completed writing my memoir, "Finding Flowers in a Little Pile of Sh*t," and started working on a short novel abou...