Friday, January 5, 2024

Embrace Thoughtful Change - Don Hanley's blog #17

Pope Francis is working to change some attitudes toward homosexuality. The Catholic church and many Protestant churches have believed for centuries that homosexuality is sinful – in thought, word, and deed. And this belief and many more began when humanity believed in a very small three-decker universe – heaven, earth, and hell. The vast majority of people have changed their perception of the universe. Now, we must change our beliefs about human behavior and, with it, about human sexual orientation.

I can’t find a good reason for keeping this condemnation of homosexuality. “Orthodox” Christians state that it is in the bible does condemn ‘laying with another man’ but nothing about women. And there are countless other ‘laws’ and rules that condemn human actions as sins but now are not. Is homosexuality condemned because they are “different” in their behavior? Killing people is roundly condemned in the bible and in all religious writings, and yet we readily do it when it is in our interest to do it. We find a reason for killing – “It is self-defense” or “It is to protect our family or our property or community or nation.” We can always find a reason.

I have changed a lot of beliefs and behaviors in my 90+ years of life, and I didn’t need to change my belief about homosexuality, but I did need some education as I was very curious. It seemed odd. I never knew a homosexual person until I was twenty years old. I was shocked and could not imagine it, and that is about all. Oh, I did have a bit of a fear that “they” might try to make me like them, but that idea didn’t stay long.

I wonder if the priests, bishops, and other religious leaders who are condemning Pope Francis are afraid that they will lose some of their absolutist power to control people. Please give it some serious thought and . . . 

Nurture your heart, and don’t eat the menu.

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