I suppose that many, if not most, nonagenarians find themselves reminiscing about their years roaming around on this little planet of ours. Of course, I do. One of the many ideas that I learned and held on to, and feel ashamed that I did, was the belief that one must be baptized a Catholic Christian if I, or anyone, wished to go to heaven. There was no word about becoming a loving person. Of course, that is ridiculous, but I’m sure many thousands (millions??) continue to believe this. And many other Christian believers hold similar beliefs. I was in my 30s when I finally realized that idea was ridiculous. How in the world could a loving God create intelligent – at least in some ways - humans and then demand that they learn and accept certain beliefs to be with Him (never even considering that God is a Her) in heaven?)
I wanted to talk to John and Mary about this. I didn’t have to wait long. Mary, John, and Joshua were sitting in Mary’s flower garden. John gave me his more comfortable chair, and I was grateful. Mary looked at me and said, “Don, you look inquisitive and maybe even guilty. Tell us what’s going on with you.”
“Well, I’m ashamed to tell you that I was taught many wr0ng-headed things as I grew up in a family of devout Catholic Christians. One teaching that particularly bothered me was that only baptized Catholics could be with God our Father. when we die. All others would go to purgatory, limbo, or hell. The church leaders, the pope, bishops, and priests all claimed that the Church’s teachings came from Jesus before he died. I was looking forward to talking to you all about what Jesus taught. What did the Mosaic tradition say about this salvation thing?”
Mary and Joshua turned to John, and he said, “First, I want to repeat what I have already told you all, and that is that Jesus only stated that if we wish to be with Yahweh, our Father, we must love one another as He has loved us. And now that he has been crucified, we know that the ultimate sacrifice is to even die for our loving rather than stop loving. And He meant this for every human in our world. He repeatedly said, "It is not an exclusive club or set of beliefs; it is based on our love – not on what we believe. And I am not anyone’s savior – each one of us is responsible for saving ourselves by being loving human persons." I don’t think Jesus could have made it any clearer. Now, Don, what is going on in your century that this is still a question?”
I don’t think John meant to put me down, but I felt scolded and like a complete dummy. I thought of the bookstore racks displaying books entitled COMPUTERS FOR DUMMIES, SMARTPHONES FOR DUMMIES, and many more. We need a book entitled SALVATION FOR DUMMIES. After that brief reflection, I said, “Yes, I’m afraid it is still a question. My own Catholic Church states that we have been told that is an absolute 'trruth", and we must believe all church 'truths' and keep all the rules of the church or CHURCH if we want to go to heaven. Another sect even condemns dancing. For many years, I believed everyone was judged by how well they kept the church's commandments. I knew a wonderfully loving and intelligent man who had five children and did not make love with his wife because it would jeopardize her health - her life even - if she were to get pregnant again. I tried to convince him that I was sure God did not operate that way. He said he knew that intellectually but remained fearful anyway. I hated it that fear overcame love and joy.”
Mary immediately jumped in, “Now, Don, I want to join in here and be absolute, too. I am sure that Jesus did NOT, in any way, condemn people for doing what they believe will help keep them physically healthy and emotionally joyous and loving.”… and with that positive note, I disappeared. Now . . .
Ponder the joy of being your own savior and read a few prominent menus but eat the banquet joyfully.
I see where you are going wrong. You see Catholics are not Christian’s. At least that’s what my mother taught me