Last night, I had a delightful experience meeting with the Devine, at least audibly, as often displayed by many 21st-century believers. And now I want to share it with my Nazarene friends:
First, I heard a voice say, “Don, we’re trying to get your attention with what we hoped would be an adventurous trip to enlightenment. We're not sure you were getting it, so we decided to find out if you would hear our words. So . . . ”
I interrupted the voice, “I hear you. or at least a voice. Who is the ‘we’?”
“Perhaps ‘we’ is misleading as we are truly just one, and I’ll name them God, Allah, and Yahweh. Or perhaps you would prefer Spirit or Holy Spirit. We have been ‘in’ and ‘with’ you and all of creation forever. Only recently have you humans had the gift of mindful thinking and reflection on all that is. Think of us; we’re calling ourselves a Trinity, as the divine Spirit that enriches and enlightens all of creation – we are the Council of All That Is. Some of your more semi-enlightened humans managed to minimize us as small-minded gods that must be worshiped and adored. We desire to manifest our loving power in all our creation. “
I continued, puzzled, “I thought I was doing that over the last ten years. Am I failing to get it done?”
I thought I heard a bit of chuckling and then, “Well, Don, we like this blog thing you are doing, and you’re telling everyone about your visiting Jesus’s Mom, Mary, and the apostle John, and that delightful young couple, Joshua and Ruth, but we fear that people will think they are just the ramblings of a doddering old man.
Be more forceful about the so-called Holy Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Of course, you say that God is the Father, but the Son, Jesus, is Our Son, just as you are – and every other human male and all the human females are our Daughters. And we do not care what you call us – and it is horrible that you humans fight, wage war, and even kill one another over which group is saying and shouting the correct thing. Perhaps we were wrong to tell you that we -Allah, God, and Yahweh - are the Trinity. Jesus, while he was walking on earth, was one of our greatest and most enlightened teachers and messengers. Look what happened to Him! He was murdered at the insistence of a faction of his so-called people!” The voice stopped, I think, to make sure I had time to let it sink in.
Then the voice of my ‘new’ Trinity continued: “There have been many other very enlightened messengers. There were Mohandas Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Albert Einstein, Carl Jung, and others in your own time. Many others mixed up their organization with our message that we wish for everyone everywhere to be loving and connecting beings caring for one another. Don, do you get this?”
Of course, I said, “Yes!”.
My Nazarene family stayed awake while I read my notes about this entire interview, and I asked, “Mary and John, would Jesus agree with all of this?” They nodded, and John and Mary said, “Definitely—that is Jesus’s message!” And I joyously disappeared.
Please open your heart and mind and love everyone. Don’t eat the menu; participate in the banquet of life!