Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A Mission of Love and Joy – Don Hanley’s blog #41

I don’t know how many nights have passed since I dreamt about being with Mary, Jesus’s Mother, and John, but I was happy to return to them. I remember wanting to tell them that I loved what many Catholics and other Christians were wonderfully doing in my lifetime and that I wanted to follow Jesus’s teaching that we were born to love one another. By loving all of creation, we were being one with Jesus and were also sons and daughters of God—just as Jesus is and was.

John jumped up so I could sit in my usual chair, and he went to Mary’s little house and brought out his chair. Mary remained seated and welcomed me with her radiant smile. “Welcome back, my futuristic friend. What is new in your wonderful world?” She glanced over at a little table with my little pile of books on it. I had forgotten all about it.  Mary went on, "John and I looked over your books. Our translator called them writings. There were far too many words for us to understand. Did you write them over your 90 years?" FYI - They were LOVE BY ITS FIRST NAME, WRESTLING WITH GOD, HOPE FOR A NEW WORLD - three novels) 

I then felt sorry that I had brought them to the dream. "No, I wrote them in the last 20 years." I gave them a brief and inadequate lesson on printing and publishing books and hoped they would like to change the subject. Fortunately for me, as soon as John sat down, they didn't seem to mind that I started telling them about the religious orders of women who dedicated their lives to caring for the sick by creating and staffing hospitals, running schools, and many other educational and social services. They were both impressed, and Mary asked, “And I hope that some men are also involved in some of these activities, are they not?”

“Yes, they are. And I must add that many of them, both men and women, believe that they must demand strict obedience from the leaders of their organizations and then ask for obedience from all those they are working with. I believe that they should always be kind and loving if they truly follow Jesus, and that unwavering obedience kills the spirit. I want your opinion of that, John. Did Jesus demand strict obedience and conformity from you and his other disciples?”

“Oh no, not at all; I remember one time that Judas told my brother James that he must not say anything that Jesus had not already said or approved of. Jesus heard him and said, ‘Oh, Judas, that would harm James’ ability to think, imagine, and do new things, and perhaps, a better way to help others – and himself.’ He said our role was to help everyone be more helpful, more growth-filled, creative, imaginative, and joyful. We do not want to make people grumpy, sad sacks.' He added, 'Remember, those who are not against me are for me.’”

Both Mary and I clapped. Mary added, “We sure have a bunch of those sad sacks among our Pharisees and Sadducees.” She saw my questioning look and told me that the Sadducees were a priestly class for the wealthier and more educated ‘class’ of Jews. The Pharisees believed they were superior to others because they more strictly followed the Mosaic laws. I told them that we had 21st-century groups like them, and in my view, they did not help transform the lives of humans in a way that would be helpful to our world."

John added, "Jesus had a way of seeing me, and others, that connected us very deeply with him. It was like he became one with me - like his power and energy entered into me. He radiated that energy and kept insisting that all humans were gifted to do the same. Have you ever felt that kind of connecting energy, Don?"

"Yes!" Both he and Mary looked questioningly at me. "Like right now." They both chuckled and smiled and I went on, "I mean being in your presence is, in itself, a connection, and when each of you look me into your eyes, I feel you are inside me. And I hope I am increasingly doing the same in return." They smiled and nodded and that felt very good. I continued, "Now, even in my century, we still treat children like dummies and insist that they conform to ideas that are given to them, rather than develop their own creative ideas. I believe that everyone, including children, have giftedness that needs to be nurtured. I wanted to tell them about Ann Sullivan and Helen Keller and took a deep breath, and before I could say more, I vanished again . . . So, please.

Keep opening and nurturing your heart, reflecting on the menu, and being a guest at the banquet.

1 comment:

Sage by the Sea

The Sage by the Sea #1

I have recently completed writing my memoir, "Finding Flowers in a Little Pile of Sh*t," and started working on a short novel abou...