Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Progress of Women – Don Hanley’s blog #39

I felt more uncomfortable as I sat before Mary and waited for John to bring a chair from the little house.

As soon as John sat down, Mary said, “I hope you remember, Don, that you disappeared last time before you answered my question about whether our human species has or has not helped women to become equal to men. So, I hope you have given that some thought.”

I managed to look her right in the eyes and say, “Yes, Mary, I have given it a great deal of thought, and before I say more, I want you to know that I have a friend back in the 21st. century who reveres you and is critical of my writing as if I know you in my dream world.
Do you mind me talking and writing like I know you as a regular person as well as the mother of Jesus, who I think of as our guide to a more conscious realization of how to be more aware of why we were created and how to be closer - more loving - to you, Jesus and God? And I am so thankful that you are so lovingly present in my dreams.

Without hesitation, Mary, responded, "Well, Don, it is mutual - I very much enjoy your presence in my consciousness. Jesus educated both Joseph and I that we are naturally ONE with the Father and with all creation. So, now, please tell me about the progress of women in your century."
I thanked her for her understanding and acceptance and said, "Well we, especially in the United States, have made great progress in advancing women to a place equal to men – especially in the last one hundred years.  It has been a long and very slow process. I think that women helped men so much that men too often took them for granted – like air and water and acted like they were just there to serve the males. Even when I was young and in my early adulthood, marriage ceremonies stated that women must honor and OBEY their husbands, and husbands must only cherish and provide for the wife.

That demand for obedience rankled many women, and for centuries, they had no way to change it. Then, about a hundred years ago, many brave women in Europe and North America began to make a lot of noise about it, and some men began to join them. It was about time. And you know that I hate the word, and the demand for, obedience and want to replace it with respect.”

Pausing the discussion on women's rights, I had to clarify the locations of Europe and North America to Mary and John. I didn’t want to delve into a geography lesson, so I kept it brief. Returning to women's roles, I asked John, "Didn’t Jesus speak about how women were treated?”

John sat up straighter and said, “Oh, he was very grateful to them for all that they did for us, and he, I think, just kind of fell into the same kind of thinking that other, more ordinary men thought and, that is that women are created to have babies and to serve us, men.” I glanced at Mary, who shook her head and rolled her eyes. John saw her and added, "Jesus said that women naturally realized his teaching that we are one with those we truly love. He said that women knew intimately what he was talking about because they carried this oneness in their very bodies when they were pregnant with a child - they and their child were one - literally. And if they, the mothers, had even a modicum of love in their own lives, they continued to have this connection with the child. He loved to use he example of mother and child as you know, Mary." With this, Mary smiled and nodded.  John continued, “And remember, Jesus was with us, as a public teacher, for only three years before he was executed, so he didn’t have time to talk about everything, like slavery, what the role of women, how to be good and fair employers or good workers and all that. He was more interested in teaching us, his closest and most dedicated students, how to be authentic, unselfish, compassionate, kind, and loving people. Now, as you and Mary talk about the role of women in our society, he should have brought them into the dedicated circle, for, after all, women, as mothers, are naturally the most loving people. I think that you, Mary, are more loving and kinder than any of us apostles, and the two or three women who were with you when Jesus was dying already had what we called the indwelling of his Holy Spirit. Do you agree, Mary?”

I looked at her, and she seemed quiet and deeply in thought. She looked at John and rather solemnly said, “Yes, I do agree, and both of you must realize that my son did not create the spirit, force, or power or make it appear among us now. He insisted that the spirit of Yahweh has been with us, and with all creation, from the beginning of time – and Jesus was just more fully in touch or filled with that spirit than others, and he desired that all humans need to open themselves to that spirit, and so be kind, and loving creatures.”

And darn, I was getting into the depth of what Mary said, and again, I just vanished. So, now, please . . .

Open and nourish your heart, thoroughly study this menu, and enjoy the banquet.

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