Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Now I'm a Ghost – Don Hanley’s blog #34

I’m glad that I’m back to dreaming about talking with Mary, and just as I sat down in my usual chair in her flower garden, she said:

“Well, Don, I am glad you returned to visit me. Now, I want to tell you that I, too, had a dream. In that dream, I visited with my son’s youngest companion, John.  I told him about you and your visits in my dream, and he was very interested. He asked me to ask you as clearly as possible, what you wanted to know about Jesus – my son and his friends. So, Don, tell me, as best you can, what you want to know.” She chuckled a little and added, “And you know what he called you?”

I shook my head, and she went on, “Ghost boy. Isn’t that funny?”

“It is funny as you tell it, Mary. If it were anyone else, it would be insulting.” She smiled and shook her head. I went on, “I guess my basic question is this: From what I have read and studied in what we call the New Testament in the Bible, Jesus wanted everyone to know that the God of us all, or Yahweh, has created us with the power or force to be lovingly kind, understanding, and connected to all creatures in the universe, especially other humans. And, now, in my home century of 2024 AD – we used to believe that stood for Anno Domine or Year of Our Lord – and Christians of all denominations have hated and even killed millions of other Believers and non-Christians. Did Jesus say or teach anything to justify that kind of behavior?” I did my best to look at Mary in a way that was beseeching her not to be offended by my question.

The serenity in  her countenance indicated that she was not offended but was, maybe, as puzzled as I was. After several minutes, she said, “I remember Jesus telling Joseph and me that Moses included in his 10 Commandments, ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ But that our fellow Jews disobeyed Yahweh and did kill others, even fellow Jews. It seems that only that it is only now that the might and fear of the Romans has stopped a great deal o the killing. Even hating and creating fear is a form of killing the human spirit or soul. Jesus also mentioned that changing humans’ habitual ways of doing things takes a long time and even centuries. He often stated that Our Father could not stop humans from doing destructive things without destroying our ability to choose and to create. I will do my best to think of other answers and talk with John about it the next time I see him – in person or my adventurous dreams.”

"I would also like to know whether Jesus ever said anything about him being the Messiah or having any kind of special relationship with Yahweh?" 

"No he did not, and I'll ask John about that the next time I talk with him. And I want you to know I enjoy your visits even if you don't bring up questions about Jesus." I told her that I felt the same way - I just enjoyed being in her presence even if it only was in my dreams. And I remember a twentieth century song that had a line like that. - 'I'll see you in my dreams.' Mary suddenly looked rather startled like she had seen something in the sky and said, "Maybe this will help, when he returned from the east he mentioned that there was a fellow named Buddha who talked about all of creation was connected and that we all must learn to realize, deep down in our being, that we are one with every other person. And I remember him saying he could not understand why Romans and others can kill and enslave other humans. He had shaken his head and looked quite puzzled and saddened by the thought. Does that help?" I nodded and wondered about what Jesus had experienced in India.

I wanted to know more about what the boy Jesus thought about when he was very young, but just then, I flew or somehow disappeared . . . Now, please.

Nurture your heart, ponder this menu, and then enjoy your banquet.

1 comment:

  1. I 'm enjoying your writings about your dreams of talking to Mary and having her as a conduit to Jesus answering perplexing questions that we would all like to know.


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