Thursday, March 21, 2024

Why so many dictators? – Don Hanley’s blog #28

I asked AI why do so many people search for someone to be their Savior -- even chose evidently outlandishly cruel and selfish people like Trump and dictators? In seconds, here is Chat’s reply:


The search for a Savior or a strong leader is a complex phenomenon rooted in various psychological, social, and cultural factors. Here are some reasons why people might gravitate towards figures like Trump or dictators, despite their controversial or negative qualities:

1. Fear and Insecurity: In times of uncertainty or crisis, people may feel anxious or insecure about their future. They might look for a strong leader who projects confidence and promises stability and security.

2. Authoritarianism: Some individuals are naturally inclined towards authoritarianism, valuing strong, centralized leadership. They may believe that a powerful leader can bring order and discipline to society, even if it means sacrificing certain democratic principles.

3. Populism: Leaders like Trump often appeal to populist sentiments by positioning themselves as champions of the common people against an established elite. People who feel marginalized or left behind by societal changes may be drawn to leaders who promise to address their concerns.

4. Charismatic Leadership: Charismatic leaders have a magnetic personality and the ability to captivate audiences. Even if their policies or actions are controversial, their charisma can attract a devoted following.

5. Simplification of Complex Issues: Some leaders simplify complex problems into easy-to-understand narratives. This can resonate with people who feel overwhelmed by the complexity of global issues and are drawn to leaders who offer simple solutions or scapegoats.

6. Identity and Belonging: People often seek a sense of belonging and identity. Leaders who promote a strong nationalistic or tribal identity can attract followers who identify with these narratives and feel a sense of belonging.

7. Media Influence: Media plays a significant role in shaping perceptions of leaders. Biased or sensationalized media coverage can contribute to the creation of a larger-than-life image around certain leaders, influencing public opinion.

8. Desire for Change: People may support a controversial leader as a way of expressing frustration with the status quo. The desire for change, even if it involves taking risks, can lead individuals to rally behind leaders who promise to disrupt existing systems.

It's important to note that the reasons people support a particular leader can vary widely, and individual motivations are complex and multifaceted. Additionally, political preferences and choices are influenced by a combination of personal experiences, cultural factors, and the socio-political context of the time.

Thank you - this is the best answer I have found. Is it okay if I share this with mu fb friends?


Absolutely, you are welcome to share the information with your Facebook friends. If you find the information helpful or informative, sharing knowledge can contribute to a better understanding of complex issues. Feel free to pass along any information you find valuable. If your friends have further questions or need clarification, I'm here to help!


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