Wednesday, January 8, 2025

CRIME AND PUNISHMENT IN 2025– Don Hanley’s blog #74

I continued to think about the problem of evil and God. I had given up believing that God created physical evil, like floods, to punish people for being sinners, but I continued to wonder why God created such a fragile world for us to live in. I hoped to talk to Mary and John about this.

After leaving my Nazarene family, I learned they continued discussing evil – punishment and natural disasters. John shared with me that Jesus did not consider floods, earthquakes, tornados, and other natural disasters as being God’s creation. He said that Jesus did not believe the planet was too fragile. He said that Jesus never discussed the cosmology of the universe at all. He said these things happened because all created entities are finite, fragile, and therefore breakable.

John waited for Joshua to join us and for Julie, Ruth and the baby to leave us and go into the house. He then shared that he  had known evil personally as his brother was murdered by the Romans. Mary, Joshua and I responded in the only way we felt were appropriate – a loving silence and our presence.  The only 'sin' James had committed was to criticize the Roman officers of being harsh. John continued that he believed that God did not stop us from being mean and murderous, but we can avoid being evil in our actions by following our friend Jesus and continued to make the decision to be life-giving and loving rather than, in any way, being hurtful or destructive toward other people and to Yahweh's beautiful creation. 

Joshua said, "The Paul that woke up in our house after being in that coma for weeks, didn't seem to be the kind of person who could even stand around and watch someone being stoned to death. Do you two know what I mean?"

John shook his head as if he was working to shake an answer into his brain. He thoughtfully said, "Joshua, you and Ruth exudes the kind of warmth and compassion that Jesus often talked about and lived and Paul felt your love, even when he was in that coma. So, I think he found a link between his very active brain and his heart while he was with you."

I jumped in, "And, Joshua, I agree with John. And now, from what I observed being around Paul those days, is that he learned how to be fully human when he was in your home."

"But neither Ruth nor I couldn't even come close to being as smart as Paul is. I know he intimidated me. How could I be teaching him anything?" Joshua looked totally mystified.

"Jesus, as I understand him, put a great deal of emphasis on knowing with the heart and enabling the mind/brain to understand Yahweh, and people, and even in some ways the animals on being deeply connected with Yahweh and all of creation." John paused and looked at me and asked, "Don, do you teach this and do those who live in your century, believe or follow Jesus, believe this?"

"I would like to say that they all do but, to be honest, I think that it is only a minority who do. Many others mouth the words but have not nurtured their brains and their hearts to be and stay connected in such a way, and be strong enough, not to follow others who are forceful leaders who only desire to have power over others." And with this I vanished, so...

 Continue to nurture your brain and heart connection and notice the many menus but don't eat them - just enjoy the banquet. 

Sage by the Sea

The Sage by the Sea #1

I have recently completed writing my memoir, "Finding Flowers in a Little Pile of Sh*t," and started working on a short novel abou...